Grand Prix Angoulême para Julie Doucet


Julie Doucet recebeu o Grande Prémio da 49º edição do Festival de Angoulême, anunciou a organização na noite de quarta-feira.

A autora foi, muito merecidamente, premiada pelo conjunto da sua obra - que aborda os seus sonhos, angústias, fantasias, o corpo, o sexo, o próprio processo criativo, em resumo: o seu quotidiano - distinção que tem sido atribuída maioritariamente a desenhadores europeus, sendo Doucet apenas a quarta mulher a ganhar este prémio depois de Claire Bretécher, prémio especial em 1984 por ocasião do 10ª aniversário do festival; Florence Cestac em 2000 e da japonesa Rumiko Takahashi em 2019.

Ei júri do Grand Prix, corpo criativo com longevidade e qualidade? Desviem o olhar para aqui: Aline Kominksy-Crumb, Alison Bechdel, Lynda Barry...

No comunicado oficial de Angoulême é dito que:

"Après l’Américain Chris Ware en 2021 et la mangaka Rumiko Takahashi l’année précédente, la Canadienne Julie Doucet est élue Grand Prix de la 49e édition du Festival International de la Bande Dessinée d’Angoulême, au terme d’un vote qui a réuni 1820 autrices et auteurs de bande dessinée. Avec Julie Doucet, c’est une autrice sans concession, radicale et subversive qui est choisie. Elle a été une des pionnières de l’autobiographie en bande dessinée, en racontant son quotidien mais aussi ses rêves et ses cauchemars. Elle a construit une œuvre éminemment personnelle et libre, sans aucun souci des convenances ; une œuvre radicalement féministe qui aborde des thèmes et des motifs rarement évoqués, surtout de façon aussi directe, le corps, les règles, les fantasmes sexuels, les questions de genre."

O primeiro reconhecimento mais alargado de Doucet como autora de BD aconteceu quando Aline Kominsky-Crumb, editora da Weirdo, publicou as quatro pranchas de Heavy Flow no nº 26 no fim de 1989. Depois..., ninguém melhor que a própria Doucet para contar no seu extinto, mas ainda pesquisável,

"I was born in 1965 in Montréal. Uneventful childhood. Somewhat terrible teen years. Then i began Fine Arts studies, first at the CÉGEP du Vieux Montréal (the equivalent of junior college), later at the Université du Québec à Montréal, where i completed a degree in printing arts but no more. During my studies i met some cartoonist guys. I got into it, loved it and eventually devoted myself completely to that way of making art. Dirty Plotte began life as a photocopied fanzine. In it i would document in french and in english my day today life, my dreams, angsts, fantasies and so on and so on... The series was published in 1991 by Drawn & Quarterly, in the comic book form. It is around that time that i left for New York city, where i spent a year. It didn't go too well - i tell it all in «My New York Diary». And then i packed up and left for Seattle. In 1995 i packed up again and went to Berlin, during which time L’Association (Paris) published my first book in french: « Ciboire de criss ». Reprodukt Verlag published one in German. Other publishers published other books in other languages. In the late 1990's, returning to Montréal afterall, i abandoned the medium of comic-books and went back to printing. Woodcuts, linocuts, silkscreen printing... followed an abundant production of portraits, posters, artist’s books and some other things. For the first time in 2006 i had my own solo exhibition of my work in a gallery, at the galerie B-312 - print work. In 2007 oddly i was invited to take part to the Biennale de Montréal. In 2008 to the Triennale québécoise at the musée d'art contemporain de Montréal. And then to more events of all sorts. I still live in Montréal, cut out words and images, print books, try my hand at animation film. I have started in 2013 my own publishing house: Le pantalitaire, to publish myself."